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We fight poverty with love Image

We fight poverty with love

By providing programs that serve the body, mind and soul, The Salvation Army helps alleviate the symptoms of poverty - and works to address the root issues that cause it.

46.7 million Americans live below the poverty line. 60 million more live one crisis away.

Sadly, children raised in poverty are 32% more likely to remain there than their more fortunate peers.

We are dedicated to meeting the needs of those in our community.

Poverty is so often the result of and the catalyst for chronic struggles with hunger, addiction, housing insecurity, mental illness, unemployment, educational voids and various forms of abuse. These interconnected struggles continue year after year, and often span generations. That's why The Salvation Army works to meet the needs of the whole person through short and long-term assistance, first alleviating the symptoms of poverty and then addressing the root issues that cause it.

Our Pathway of Hope program helps those in need to overcome poverty and flourish into a healthy lifestyle.

Overcome Poverty Photo

Meal Assistance

Many families and individuals facing poverty often must make the painful choice heating and eating - that is, they must decide whether they'll pay their bills or pay for food. Without sufficient funds, many are forced to go without a warm, nutritious meal in order to keep a roof over their head.

In Cheyenne, we offer food boxes as a form of meal assistance. Food boxes are available Tuesday - Thursday from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

Utility, Rent, & Transportation Assistance 

We may be able to help struggling families and individuals avoid falling into the cycle of crisis by supplementing their income with utility assistance, rent and other vital payments as funding allows.  These are on a case by case basis.  Please call 307.634.2769 for more information.

Seasonal Assistance

During certain times of the year there is assistance available to meet a specific seasonal based need. In Cheyenne, seasonal assistance consists of help with school supplies for the beginning of the school year, winter coat giveaway, a community Christmas Eve meal as well as toys for children in need at Christmas.

Other Ways We Meet Needs